Why A Sales Funnel Is Very Important For Your Business


Many businesses struggle with acquiring customers.

And given the ‘noise-filled-saturated’ marketing space, it is becoming more difficult for your customers to identify you amongst the crowd. 

However, having a system that saves you time and continually pumps in qualified leads for your business will not only give you the space you need.

But will put you ahead of your competitors and 10X your business revenue. 

And that is why, in this article, you will learn the definition of a sales funnel, the phases a potential buyer goes through, what role marketing plays in your sales funnel, and why you need sales funnels as a part of your business strategy.

But first, let us deal with the ‘elephant’ in question.

What Is A Sales Funnel?

Don’t be discouraged by the terminologies used, a sales funnel isn’t as intimidating as it sounds.

It is simply the process potential customers go through to become paying customers.

The word “funnel” is used, because of the shape of the funnel, mimics the number of processes people go through before sales occur.

Here’s a graphic to describe the sales funnel process:

The top of the funnel is the widest because this is where the beginning stages of awareness occur, while the bottom represents the paying customers.

You have to note that the goal of every funnel is to get and turn prospective customers into ones who are serious about purchasing. 

Small Misconceptions About Sales Funnel:

There is this misconception that sales funnel is only for digital business or e-commerce, but that is not the case, sales funnel can be applied to all types of businesses. 

All you have to do is follow the steps defining where potential customers will enter and how you will get them, whether you have an online business, such as a physical store or a service-inclined company.

The Steps of a Sales Funnel:

  1. Awareness

Potential customers start to become aware of your products (for example blog readers who are looking for a solution to a problem they have).

  • Interest

Potential customers start to become interested in your product (for example email subscribers).

  • Evaluation

Potential customers evaluate your products compared to your competitors.

  • Decision

Potential customers decide to make a purchase.

  • Purchase

Potential customers become actual customers.

What Role Marketing Plays in Your Sales Funnel:

Marketing is very important in almost all the phases of the sales funnel especially in the beginning stages, particularly the awareness stage where you need to be where your prospects are.

This is so because relying on organic traffic during this stage might not give you desirable results.

That is why marketing your products online using social media and paid advertising is very essential. 

Because these are the places where your potential customers can find you and what you offer.

What Types of Marketing go with the Phases of the Sales Funnel?

Blogging, social media and search ads are great ways to show up in front of thousands, if not millions of targeted audience to respond to your offer from anywhere in the world. 

This is great for generating awareness of your product and business. 

Webinars are fantastic for getting those interested in your product to the decision and purchase stage. 

This is where you can pitch your product directly to those people that you know are interested.

These are all just examples of how marketing can play a role within your sales funnels. 

You can obviously switch the marketing tactics around to fit your needs and decide what works best for you and your business.

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Why You need Sales Funnels as a part of your Business Strategy:

Proper sales funnels will turn website visitors into email subscribers, and email subscribers into customers or clients

This is one of the most important reasons for having a sales funnel strategy. 

Your product and service won’t sell it itself neither would your website or social media pages covert the kind of clients your business needs to keep the lights on. 

If you don’t have a clear strategy that speaks to them in the very language they understand. 

What is the goal of your website content?

What are the ways you tend turning your website visitors into subscribers?

A sales funnel helps you plan and manage all these processes and when done well will help attract and convert the kind of customers your business needs. 

A Sales Funnels Helps You Fine-Tune Your Marketing Message

There is nothing so sweet as having your own list where you can have time to control the direction your marketing messages take.

This is so because of the fact that some of the platforms your target audience use are not yours and therefore the owners have rights to limit your message and even ban you. 

But with the prospects in your sales funnel you get to address each one personally and match their needs with what you offer. 

A Sales Funnel Helps You Create Affinity

People buy from who they like, know and trust. 

And what this implies is that there is a need for you to create multiples touches between you and your potential customers before making a sales pitch. 

And with a sales funnels, you can create this affinity and sell your products or services with ease. 

Because with marketing messages that are tailored for them break the barriers that would hold them off from turning into paying customer especially as a new business in the market. 

With A Sales Funnels, You Can Sell Your Products or Services Over and Over

Once you have created a likeness for your brand by creating a lasting impression on the mind of the people in your funnels.

You can easily sell to them over and over again. 

Building a great relationship here is key and through the value, you offer them in your marketing messages, you do this over time, and increase your chances of becoming the number person in their mind even if they can’t afford you at that time.

Final Thoughts

We hope this introductory post to sales funnels and what they are all about was helpful for you.

A proper sales funnel is crucial to scaling your business successfully, while building authentic relationships with your potential customers.

Got any questions? Please share them in the comment section below.

About the author 

Nonso Emetoh

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