With a sales funnel, your customers would be happy to buy from you over and over again

Do you have a course, event, service or product you intend to push out to the market?

Are you struggling with the marketing side of everything?

Let's help you communicate your message with so much force that your prospects won't have a choice but fall in love with you.

The power of a well thought out SALES FUNNEL is unimaginable and it can make your sales dreams come true.

Any business (especially online) without a proper sales funnel is almost as good as dead.

Funnels allow you communicate with your customers in a very powerful way that seduces them to buy from you.

Here's how a SALES FUNNEL works

A prospect clicks on your link and visits:

  • Your landing page to download a FREE guide, video or report.
  • Your website where you get them to join your newsletter for more awesome content.
  • Your blog, read your content and sign up at the end for your content upgrade.

Now, you have their contact details... what next? Follow up via mails

  • You educate them better about what you stand for and your offers
  • Help them achieve their immediate goals
  • Get them to trust you more, see you as an expert and leave a lasting impression on them
  • Ultimately sell them on your products and services over and over again.

Now that you understand how a sales funnel can help you, it is time to get one for your business.

At LAUNCH MOI, that is what we are called to do:

We will help you create a high converting sales funnel for that product, event, course or service.

Here's what we will do:

Landing Page: You get a sleek landing page that is built to convert cold visitors to leads. The landing page is a one paged website and the job of this page to is get visitors to sign up in order to become leads.

Thank You Page: This is the page leads get to after signing up. It is first point of bonding with your leads and we make sure this page sets you on the right path to regular sales.

Email Marketing Setup: Getting people to sign up to your mailing list is not enough but getting them to become paying customers. We will help you setup your email marketing, put up your follow up series, test and make sure all is perfect to launch. 

Content Upgrades: Let us turn your blog to a lead generating machine. Your blog doesn't have to be boring and less converting, with our touch, your blog would bring in paying customers to your business.

Sales Page: You want to sell more of your products? Let's help you create a highly converting sales page that would hynotize prospects into buying your products.



Reach out to us through the most convenient channel for you, let's discuss your needs and how we can make your business better

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