How To Use Video Marketing To Bring Out The Best in Your Business


You must have heard that video is the medium of the future. 

And given that over 85 percent of internet users watch online video content on any device for more than 5 minutes. 

Shows that visual content is becoming more appealing to the end-users and holds their attention more than other content formats. 

Again studies suggest that video will be responsible for 82% of online traffic between now and 2021. 

With all these compelling stats,  most businesses are yet or still struggle to leverage the power of video marketing to increase the market shares of their business. 

That is why in this article, you will learn what video marketing is, what is involved in making one and how to use it to position your business in the hearts and wallets of your target audience. 

However, pay attention and promise yourself to implement what you will learn in this article no matter how bad your first trial is.

But first, What is Video Marketing?

According to this definition by HubSpot, video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumer, and you audience with a new medium.

Video marketing can be used for everything from building customer rapport, to promoting your brands’ services or products. 

It can serve as a medium to present how-to’s, promote customer testimonials, live-stream events and deliver viral (entertaining) content.

Before Getting In Front Of A Camera:

For many, getting in front of a camera is a hard job, but in reality, making a good video is simpler than it seems. 

And to help you, this article is riddled with several tips for you to start getting in front of the cameras to create pleasant content that is relevant to your audience.

But first.

There are three moments of video production which you need to understand:

  1. Preproduction 

It is the planning and everything that involves the preparation for the recording of the video.

  1. Production  

It is the moment of recording when you put into practice everything you have prepared.

  1. Postproduction

It is the stage of editing and finishing the video when you make the necessary adjustments to make everything work perfectly.

Each stage is very important in the process of making a good video, so we will detail each of them and give several tips to help you.

Steps To Use:

  1. Preproduction Tips:

Many people do not take the preproduction part seriously and, in the end, they are disappointed with the result. 

To avoid this type of frustration, please pay special attention to each of these stages.

  1. What is the purpose of the video?

To know how to carry out a good video you have to first define what your goal is with that content: generate more leads? Convert sales? Increase your authority?

Understanding the result you expect from the video facilitates when finding the best approach to it.

  1. Who is the recipient?

Who is the target audience of my video? 

What kind of content does that person consume normally or what problems do they face? 

These questions are essential to create videos aligned to the needs of the viewer and be more assertive in your proposal.

If you still do not know who is the ideal viewer for your videos, we recommend that you reach out LaunchMoi support team to help out.

  1. What is it about?

Next, you need to consider what you are going to record and how you are going to do it. 

To do this, think about a script of what is important to say or questions for an interviewee if you have one. 

This script will help you record more objectively and facilitate the entire post-editing process, as well as making the video clearer and more attractive to those who are watching it.

The script is nothing more than the description of everything that will happen in the course of the video and provides conversations, images and visual resources that you will use to convey your message.

A valuable suggestion is always to print the script to facilitate the recordings. 

You can leave it stuck at some point of easy visualization, for example, and even make a circle in the keywords, to remember the topics whenever you need it.

Try also to save the script in the cloud, as in Google Docs, and leave it open on your mobile. This makes it even easier to share with who is on the other side of the camera, recording or helping you. 

With the script in hand, it is much easier for the person to help you achieve better results.

  1. What is the ideal recording location for the video?

Your next step, in the preproduction stage, is to define what will be the place where it will be recorded.

Try as much as possible to choose a place where you can have greater control over external noise interference because the audio quality will be superior.

Avoid crowded and busy places, near construction sites or with heavy traffic, for example. 

And if you manage to find a place that combines silence and a pleasant atmosphere, even better. After all, the appearance of the video is also an aspect to consider.

If the stage is your home, it is best to record in front of solid colored walls (without wallpapers, and preferably in darker tones).

What precautions are necessary regarding lighting?

Then, take into account the schedule chosen to make the recording. 

Natural light is an important ally when making a good video, and you should try to use it to the fullest.

A place that is very beautiful, but has little light, may not be as interesting as a decent place and very bright.

There are also some schedules that you should keep in mind when planning your recording.

The natural light of when the day begins, from 6 to 8, is usually a golden light, with the lowest sunlight. 

This type of light helps give your video a very interesting look. 

From 8 to 11 in the morning, even with the strongest sun and the clearest light, there are still less hard shadows, becoming an interesting option.

Also, you also get an interesting light from 2pm to 5pm. At this time you get a similar scenario with the beginning of the morning, allowing good lighting for your recordings.

But attention!

After 17 hours, the twilight light begins and the day quickly darkens.

So, be careful with the recordings in that period, because you can run out of lighting and have to close the job halfway.

Finally, avoid the schedule from 11 to 14 hours, approximately, to get a good video. At that time we have the well-known midday sun, with harder and more marked shadows, which creates eye shadows and leaves a worse image.

You should equally consider artificial lighting because as much as the recording environment is well lit, the camera cannot capture all the light, which can give less sharp or grainy images.

Meanwhile, artificially lit environments are more predictable. 

You can identify, for example, when it is possible that there is an overexposure to light, if the color is uniform and, when not, you can solve that only by changing the equipment of place.

Although it can cost a fortune to get a simulator that works well, however, there is a very simple configuration of lights that can be used for most situations. 

As in the following image, you will need three points of light: two in front of the presenter or interviewee, one being on each side, and a third behind, as a backlight.

This last point helps to give an excellent contour effect on your images and leaves the result very interesting.

It is even possible to create that same lighting scheme with elements that you have at home.

It is important to remember that without light there is no image, so the lighting of the video is as important as the quality of the content that will be addressed!

2. Production: 

Now that you have prepared the script and you know exactly what you are going to record, you have chosen a place and the best schedule, the question remains:

Is it necessary to have an advanced camera to make a good video?

The answer is no. 

It is important to have a good image, but even your mobile phone can work. 

If the quality of filming is reasonable, it already serves well who is starting. With the evolution of your business, it is worth investing in a better team.

3. Postproduction:

After finishing the video recording it is time for postproduction. 

At this stage, you will have to edit your video. 

This step is very important to make a good video and leave your content more dynamic and interesting for those who are watching it.

Remove from the final video what is “leftover”, including content, and also the moments of hesitation. Refine your material to the fullest. You can be sure that that will make all the difference in the final result.

To make the editing you can use editing programs such as Windows Movie Maker, or other options also free. The resources offered by them are often very basic, but they help solve simpler situations.

Now, if you already know more about video editing and want to use a more powerful program with more tools, you can invest in paid programs like Adobe Premiere and Sony Movie Studio. 

In addition, there is always the alternative of hiring an editing professional to help you in this part too.

And don’t worry if the end result is not perfect. Over time you will improve your techniques and your posture in front of the cameras. 

You can always check out the video content of people you admire, at least back from they started till now.

If you lack the inspiration. 

Benefits of Video Marketing

The benefits of video marketing are many. However, let’s discuss these three that are very important.

  • Video helps you connect with your audience in the most honest and liberal way.

It is like the bridge that links what you say to who you really are, allowing customers to peer behind the curtain and get to know your brand.

  • Video is an SEO gold mine for you

It helps you build quality backlinks to your site, boosting likes and shares which can affect your social search rankings while driving traffic to your site.

  • Videos boost information retention. 

If your customers hear something only, they’re likely to retain about 10% of that information three days later; by contrast, if what they hear is accompanied by relevant imagery, they’ll retain an average 65% of that information three days later.

Final thoughts

Whatever your business needs are, you can achieve it using the best content format. 

With video marketing, you build trust and sell your products or services at the same time. 

Do you have any questions? Please leave them in the comment section.

About the author 

Nonso Emetoh

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